
Name EPAD LCS (longitudinal cohort study) Research Access Process
Projects EPAD
Publication date 01-06-2020
Type of data available Data, samples and image data collected during EPAD's longitudinal cohort study
Description The EPAD LCS Research Access Process (ERAP) is designed to give academic researchers and institutions from all over the world a way of accessing the data, samples and image data collected during EPAD's longitudinal cohort study on the prevention of Alzheimer's dementia. Datasets available: EPAD LCS V500.0 (published 19th May 2019) – doi:10.34688/epadlcs_v500.0_19.05.10 EPAD LCS V1500.0 (published 29th November 2019) – doi:10.34688/epadlcs_v1500.0_19.11.29 EPAD LCS V500.1 (published 4th May 2020) – doi:10.34688/epadlcs_v500.1_20.04.29
Keywords (comma separated) data access, samples


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